NYC Mesh Connect Internet monthly plans
Speeds 100 Mb to 8500 Mb symmetrical (depending on location)
$30.00 standard
$10.00 sliding scale
$100.00 business
Data included with monthly charge: Unlimited
Charges for additional data usage: No Charge
Self-Installation (DIY) $0
Volunteer led install $290 (standard) or $160 (subsidized)
Speeds vary between 100 Mb to 8500 Mb symmetrical depending on the type of connection (wireless or fiber). NYC Mesh uses best-effort for speed and support.
NYC Mesh Connect is a neutral network and it does not have any network management practices that are specific to any application or subscriber.
Additional information on network management can be found in NYC Mesh Connects’s Network Commons License-
We are a neutral network and we do not monitor, collect, store or block any user data or content. More information about our commitment to privacy is available in our privacy policy-
Learn more about the terms used on this form and other relevant information at the following FCC’s links:
Area available: New York Metropolitan Area